伤感文案 英文

In the end, it was always us against the world. The end of our journey, the end of our connection. We knew it, and we accepted it, and we loved it, and we cursed it. We said goodbye to each other, and wept when we said it, and we wish we could turn back time and make it different, but we cannot. We cannot change the past, and we cannot change who we are now. We are who we are, and we will always be who we are. We will always be together, but we will always be apart. We will always be in this world, but we will always be in another. The end.

Our love was strong, but it was also weak. We both knew it, and we both loved it, and we both cursed it. We both said goodbye to each other, and wept when we said it, and we wish we could turn back time and make it different, but we cannot. We cannot change the past, and we cannot change who we are now. We are who we are, and we will always be who we are. We will always be together, but we will always be apart. The end.

We left each other, and we returned to our own world. We lived our lives, and we faced our challenges, and we faced each other. We did not talk much, and we did not see each other much. We said hello, and weGoodbye, and we hope we will meet again, but we did not know if we would. We did not know if we would ever see each other again, and we both knew it, and we accepted it, and we loved it. We were each other’s world, and we were always there for each other. We were always there for each other, and we will always be there for each other. The end.

