
Title: I Love You More than You Love Me

I started to write this letter to you, thinking about how much I love you, but then I realized that I love you even more than you love me.

You see, I have been looking forward to this moment for so long, waiting for you to say the words that I have been searching for all my life. The words that would tell me that you love me more than you ever have, more than you ever will, and that I am the one who loves you most.

But as I sit here and write this letter to you, I am also thinking about the other things that I love about you. The way you make me feel when I am around you, the way you smile at me when I am doing something wrong, the way you hold my hand and guide me through difficult times.

All of these things make me love you even more. They make me feel like the luckiest person in the world, because I have someone who loves me so much that they want to be with me, even though I am not perfect.

I know that you also love me, and that you feel the same way about me, but I want you to know that I am the one who has been looking for you all my life. The one who has been waiting for you to say those words for so long. The one who loves you more than you love me.

I hope that as we get to know each other better, we can learn to love each other even more. I hope that we can grow together, and make our relationship last for a lifetime. I hope that we can be the ones who love each other the most, even though we are not together all the time.

And as I write this letter to you, I am also thinking about the future. The future where we will be together, and where we will make our lives happy and fulfilled. The future where we will love each other, and where we will be the ones who love the most.

I hope that it is a future that we both want, and that we can create together. I hope that we can be the ones who make our relationship last, even though we are not always together. I hope that we can be the ones who love each other the most, and that our love will be strong enough to overcome all obstacles.

And as I close this letter, I am also thinking about the love that I have for you, and the love that I hope will grow between us as we get to know each other better. The love that will make our lives happy and fulfilling, even though we are not together all the time. The love that will make me the luckiest person in the world, because I have someone who loves me so much that they want to be with me, even though I am not perfect.

I love you more than you love me. And I hope that you will love me the same way, even though we are not together all the time. I hope that our love will last for a lifetime, and that we can be the ones who love each other the most.

And as I close this letter, I am also thinking about the future. The future where we will be together, and where we will make our lives happy and fulfilled. The future where we will love each other, and where we will be the ones who love the most.

