
My heart is broken. I feel like I’m going through the same thing again. The pain is so much that I can’t even imagine what it was like before. I remember the day that I lost my best friend. It was a beautiful sunny day, and we were out for a walk in the park. She just seemed like the perfect friend to me, with her happy smile and kind heart. But something just didn’t feel right, and I realized that I had to tell her something. I just said “I have to go,” and she turned around and walked away. I followed her, but she never turned back. I remember feeling so lost and alone, like I had no one to依赖.

I have been searching for her for days, but I never found her. I thought that maybe she was just going through a tough time, but I guess I was wrong. She has been gone for a week now, and I still don’t know where she is or what happened to her. I feel like I’m going to崩溃 again, but I try to keep a hold on myself. I know that she was important to me, and I will always miss her. But I also know that I have to move on. I have to find a way to make it through this without her.

I don’t know what to do. I don’t know if I can make it without her. I feel like I’m lost again, like I’ve lost my way in the world. But I have to try. I have to keep moving forward, even if it means taking a break from everything. I just have to hope that she is过得好, and that she will see me when I am finally able to return.

In conclusion, I am broken. I am lost. I am so much without her. But I will get through it. I will find my way again. I will be strong enough to face the future without her. I just have to hope that she is happy, and that she will be able to see me when I am finally able to return.

