
Is It心动的感觉?

“心动” is a feeling that can’t be described in words. It’s a feeling of intense connection with someone, a feeling of warmth and excitement, and a feeling of being in love. But what is it really? Is it just a feeling of infatuation or is it something more?

In English, we can say that it’s “heart-fluttering” or “心跳加速” to describe a feeling of心动. These phrases convey the intensity of the feeling and the excitement it creates in the person experiencing it.

But what about when we talk about love? How do we describe the feeling of love? In English, we can say that it’s “in love” or “爱上某人” to describe a love relationship. These phrases also convey the intensity of the feeling and the sense of attachment that comes with it.

In general, the word “心动” can be used to describe a feeling of intense connection and attachment, whether it’s a love relationship or just a feeling of connection with someone special. It’s a feeling that can’t be described in words, but it can be felt and experienced firsthand.

Overall, the feeling of心动 is a powerful and unique feeling that can bring people together and create intense connections with others. It’s a feeling that we can all learn from and appreciate.

